In this article we are going to show you how to create an online business with huge potential. We will introduce you to the package that is far superior to all the current online website builders. Users of this package will easily learn to build their own quality websites using the fastest WordPress installs in the industry and host their sites on the latest most powerful servers in the world.

Skills, Training, Facilities and Contacts
The “new digital age” has been accelerated by the pandemic and UK entrepreneurs have grasped the moment to set out on their own, 77,575 new companies were formed in June 2020, 81,354 in July and the first 7 days of August 21,000 were formed.
The future is exciting, we are experiencing a period of change where anyone can accomplish success, given the right tools, service, training, support and the facilities to network with successful business people
we have these facilities, skills, training and contacts to share with you.
N.B. Whilst the content of Admin Advice centres on the UK, the website creation program is universal.
Once you have the skills to create websites and the facilities to build, host and manage your websites, profitable business opportunities can present themselves at any time. Two examples are: – The original creator of this website had become the owner of a puppy and was searching the internet for information on puppy ownership. At the time there was no single website containing all the information he required so he decided to create his own and called it This site became very popular and a large marketing company made an offer for the site which he accepted. – Three friends had struggled to find reliable people to look after their dogs whilst on holiday. They decided to start a part-time dog walking and dog care business. The target was to make enough from this extra work to pay for their annual holidays. Take The Lead is now a leading pet care company in Surrey and Hampshire with more than ten members of staff.
Side Hustles
Side Hustles are run by employees to generate additional incomes to boost their regular incomes. As many as one in four employees are thought to have a side hustle and a study by OnePoll found the average top up income generated to be more than £6,500 a year after tax, whilst 15% make £12,000 every year.
A third of those starting a part-time venture do so to pursue a passion and over 30% aim to grow their venture into a full fledged company.
An Increasing Demand For Websites
We have seen there were over 170,000 new companies registered in the UK during just ten weeks in June to early August 2020. There is an increasing interest in part-time side hustles and, with growing redundancies, many more will be looking to start their own businesses. The vast majority in need of a website.
Websites Have A Chequered History
In the early 2000s websites were built in code and took a long time to complete.
In the 2010s we saw a boom in £100 websites, often produced by people leaving college or university. Some messed up on website security, some found they could not make a living and many owners of websites were left in the lurch. Even today, there are websites out there that are not mobile friendly or don’t have an SSL certificate.
The display of Privacy Policies became a legal requirement yet some website developers have not up-dated their clients’ websites.
We recently visited a website which claims “Professional & Affordable Website Design”, then presented us with a page asking how much our monthly budget was with options commencing at £1,500 – £3,000 per month, up to £10,000+ per month.
Other website developer sites have stated that the majority of their websites are £2,000+ with monthly fees on top.
Don’t Be Mislead
A seemingly attractive option arose with the arrival of template website builders, WIX being the industry leader. With these builders you choose a template that best suits your requirements. You then change the images and text within the template with your own photographs, images and written content.
These options can be very restrictive and you need to thoroughly research the suppliers. A Google search will present a number of reviews with some suppliers being rated in the region of 4.9 stars (out of 5).
BEWARE These reviews are one person’s rating and they are usually due a commission if you click through from their site.
For an unbiased rating we recommend the reviews by PCMag and there even the top scorer only achieves 4 stars (out of 5).
We have an article within the AdminAdvice website which lists the many shortcomings of these builders, the article is Risks With Template Website Builds.
Another check we recommend is to enter the supplier within
In addition to the build platform you may need to choose a hosting company and again we would complete a check with Very often the cheaper hosting services do not include backups or a suitable level of support. Problems can take a long time to resolve, if at all.
The Way Forward

A website needs to have the flexibility to grow along with the expansion of a business. The ideal situation is for the business owner being able to build their own websites and have them 100% under their control.
If the business owner is too busy then we suggest nominating a member of their family or staff who will appreciate learning the valuable skills involved. Let’s look at what is involved to take full control and also be in a position to take advantage of the many online skills and opportunities that exist and will arise in the future.
We have seen that website design companies are too expensive for many small businesses and start-ups, that lower priced individual developers could be risky and that the template builders are best avoided.
There is however one business that has a 1.5 million community worldwide, yet is little known in the UK. That business is Wealthy Affiliate – check it out in TrustPilot – and is the industry leader for our requirements.
Wealthy Affiliate is a Canadian company formed in 2005, they have been recognised by the Canadian Government for their Advancements in Scientific Research and Development.
The WA option is the ultimate for people to build their own websites, hosting them, promoting them and receiving tuition on many ways of making an online income with future development in progress to provide us with more online earning opportunities.

Your Website Business
Before detailing the WA package we are going to describe the website business we are suggesting to you. The options you will be offering include
- Providing your clients with the WA package
- Provide the WA package with the basics of their website built for them by you
- You build them a website and host it for them. Possibly transferring to the WA package at a later date.
Our Experience With Wealthy Affiliate
This is a substantial package providing tremendous value to everyone with an interest in online developments.
We joined WA in 2015 with a view to building our own websites. At that time the community consisted of about 600,000 members.
WA has added improvements each year. During the last two years it’s hosting service has evolved into a world leader and the training has extended to include numerous extra earning opportunities within the online world.
The result has seen a surge in worldwide membership to 1,500,000 as at 2020. We are expecting a large take-up in the UK where skills in online trading are in demand and practical training in website building, promotion and control is lacking.
The WA self build website facilities are a much-needed solution for our small and start-up businesses which, as we have shown, have had a raw deal to date. Many businesses will take the opportunity to diversify their operations to include online incomes.
The Wealthy Affiliate Package
WordPress powers about one third of all websites in the world, it’s combination of power and ease of use makes it an ideal fit for large and small websites alike. Being powerful, robust and versatile the platform gives creative freedom to design unique and fully customised websites. Wealthy Affiliate offer the fastest WordPress installs in the industry.
WA have developed the most sophisticated and secure website platform in the industry, leveraging the WordPress framework.
You have access to 54,840+ plugins. Basically anything you want to do with your website, there is a plugin for it.
WA have invested millions into developing their own proprietary hosting framework so everything is under one management.
Comparable hosting to that we have at WA costs £1,500+ per year.
WA handle our website caching and performance improvements on a server level. This is something NO plugin can accomplish and exactly why it is so beneficial to have a Managed WordPress Host.
WA take daily snapshots (backups) of your website, if you mess things up they can help get your website back running for you. This is an advanced service that very few hosts offer.
WA provides a hosting experience you can feel safe running your business on, people are running million pound businesses on their platforms.
The Premium Membership Hosting service provides the facilities to host ten websites
(these could be your own websites and websites you have created for others).
The WordPress sites will always be hosted on the latest most powerful servers in the world through Amazon hosting.
Unlike any other hosting platform in the world, WA provides all clients “double hosting”. Your websites have full redundancy, meaning that if one of your websites were to for some reason go down, there is a “mirror” of your website running at all times that will swap in, instantly.
WA have several layers of security that shield your websites and are able to prevent hacking or spam before it happens.
You receive Getting Started Training (the process is completely SIMPLIFIED!)
There are Video training, Tutorial training, Classroom (home) training and Courses.
There are over one thousand powerful training modules within WA, essentially each Classroom reveals an entire different online business model that could be used to generate a full time income online.
WA has more than 1,500,000 HELPFUL community members.
There is Live and Interactive Help (even at 2am in the morning!)
You have access to Industry Experts and Millionaires.
If you are looking to earn money online, network with fellow entrepreneurs, get help and help others, and learn a ton from 1,000’s of experts at WA, it will be your new home.
WA is for EVERYONE. All levels of expertise, any age and all levels of marketers and entrepreneurs, from a brand newbie to someone that is running an already successful business and wants to scale it to a whole new level.
WA has two membership price points:
Starter Membership, $0
Premium Membership, $49 per month/$495 per year.
There are NO UP-SELLS.
The tuition you receive from WA will provide you with up-to-the-minute knowledge within a fast moving and developing environment providing you expertise that many currently operating in the UK lack.
With Wealthy Affiliate you are never alone and you will never feel like you are in the “dark” like you will with almost every other service out there. Once you have the Wealthy Affiliate Premium membership, you will never buy another guru book, internet scam, or expensive online success course again. Absolutely EVERYTHING you need is at WA, including the 1-on-1 expert help from proven experts.
Individuals learning the skills from WA will be some of the most knowledgeable, able to help the 5 million people in the UK now working for themselves; nearly 500,000 businesses starting in the UK every year and we also have some 7.5 million earning from a side hustle.
The skills WA teach are in high demand but there are even greater things to come. The following is a message from the owners of WA:
“Our plans that we have already in full swing behind the scenes are truly going to take WA to the next level as we move into 2020/2021.
2020/2021 is going to experience a lot of positive changes, ramping up for the NEXT DECADE ahead within the online world. Members here within Wealthy Affiliate are going to continue to have a competitive edge over the rest of the industry and will be able to capitalise on all kinds of new opportunities. This will include completely new services, a new user experience, the ability to remain flexible and elastic to any changes that take place. The future is bright and we want you all to be part of this.”
How We Help In Your Training

Back in 2005, Wealthy Affiliate commenced with the purpose to promote Affiliate Marketing. They have developed their training and technology to provide today’s world-leading platforms.
In recent years, having a leading website building platform based on the most popular WordPress, and also being world leaders in WordPress Managed Hosting, they have extended their facilities and tutorials to include a wide range of online earning opportunities.
You might decide that affiliate marketing attracts you, or you might decide to concentrate on, say, SEO and Local SEO, YouTube video creation or other specialities.
Should you wish to join us under the Admin Advice brand we will direct you to the tutorial articles and videos that will provide the training you need to follow. We will be your mentor within WA.
The training video produced on 8th October 2020 covers the creation of a website from commencement to a fully working website, completed within 40 minutes. This website includes five pages, two menus, a logo, a retina logo, a fav icon, cropped images, Google analytics, Google Search Console, site map, SEO, an Affiliate Disclosure and Privacy Policy, a static front page, domain name, title and description, hosted and published to Google search engines. You won’t get this coverage from a template website builder and not many independent website builders will be this thorough.
WA produce hour long video training sessions added EVERY WEEK. These keep us bang up to date, with developments for example the videos throughout September 2020 updated us on the use and progress of the WordPress Block Editor, which is now the new standard for WordPress – the previous classic editor will no longer be supported from 2022.
With the WA platforms, anyone can build a professional website, just follow the training.
In addition to the website expertise you can also refer clients to the Admin Advice website for advice on bookkeeping; for a free UK online accounting package and much more.
Value For Your Clients
Many of the websites that are built for £2,000 plus are built using WordPress. You will be able to build sites to their standard and the hosting you provide will be superior, at a fraction of the price.
Being part of Admin Advice, where we all build our websites in WordPress, your clients can be certain that they will continue to have support.
Most people who have websites created on any of the many different template website builders are not aware that they cannot transfer their websites to another builder, are very restricted in extending their websites, are hosted on very slow servers and sometimes have to be rebuilt from scratch when updates come through. The service they receive can be unbelievably bad as shown in some reviews in TrustPilot.
Your providing the WA package at $49 a month or $495 a year with all the extra services and ongoing support is truly remarkable value. We can expect many more people adopting WA when the extent of the package is appreciated.
The Popularity Of Websites
Websites are created for many reasons beyond businesses. Individuals are creating websites to show their artistic skills, photography,hobbies, literacy etc. There is also a trend towards personal c.v.’s being displayed on a website and personal e-mail addresses being at the website domain e.g. colin@(Colin’s website) for a more professional impression. Far better than a potential employer searching your Facebook profile.
Working through the tuition and creating websites can also be very therapeutic in maintaining mental alertness at all ages.
The WA price includes facilities for 10 websites, sharing with other members of the family is an option. The time may come when every family can benefit from the WA package (including the future opportunities planned), with us all focusing on being more creative.
And, remember the training goes far beyond website building, it introduces numerous opportunities to commence an online business.
A Team Approach
As part of the team at Admin Advice we will be building a brand, sharing opportunities and promotional ideas. We can be the first port of call for anyone considering starting a business and anyone requiring a website.
This truly is a huge opportunity. Attracting hundreds of clients to your business is entirely realistic and each client should provide an average income of £170 per year.
Affiliate Disclosure
Members of Wealthy Affiliate (Starter Membership and Premium Membership) receive an affiliate commission when their introductions upgrade to Premier Membership.

Building Your Own Websites In 2021
The WordPress Blocks Editor has now been fully tested and is highly regarded as the future for website building. Just about anyone can build and control their own websites – it’s what we have been waiting for all these years. A fantastic opportunity for those who wish to partake. Details are included within our page The Easiest Website Builder.