Admin Advice Associates originated when Colin, a former accountant and part-time tutor to adult classes decided to present his fairly unique way of teaching bookkeeping and accounting on a website of his own. The on-line website tuition he found is truly exceptional and we recommend anyone contemplating building their own website to follow the story on our website creation page.

I am Colin and was determined to learn how to develop my own website; after all I had previously introduced computers into business during the early days of office computers and also, when a windows version of Excel was introduced, had created a full set of management accounts on Excel for the FTSE 100 company where I worked.
I knew two businesses in my location which were developing websites had closed down leaving their clients without support and in many cases losing their websites. Many businesses I spoke to were also very wary of the website services provided to them. After a lot of searching I found my perfect answer.
The fact is the building of websites was becoming increasingly easy and I make a comparison between Excel spreadsheets and websites, referring to the time when I learned Excel and then 20 years later everyone was working with Excel. Websites are now reaching an era when everyone will be creating their own websites.
After a lot of research I built my first website and at that stage, with all the experience and contacts I had gained, decided I would present small and start-up businesses with the benefits of my research in both bookkeeping and website creation – probably the main two admin areas to concern the early-stage businesses.
This was the birth of Admin Advice Associates.
Our goal is to be your first call for advice, support and contacts on business admin matters. I welcome any comments and questions you would like to enter below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,