Within this website we share our expertise and continuing research within three areas that all businesses have to master from the outset – bookkeeping, accounting and website creation.
We introduce FREE tuition in these subjects to benefit business owners, those considering setting up in business and people working or looking to work in these administrative roles.
Our Mission
- To provide free guidance in the administration requirements of a business.
- To obtain professional services at costs that are commensurate with the size of the business.
- To protect businesses from inferior products and recommendations.
“If you are not learning, you are not growing”
FREE Bookkeeping Course
Our Bookkeeping Course consists of seven easy to learn lessons, following which you might decide to continue studying with the AAT course to become a qualified bookkeeper.
FREE Tuition in popular Accounting Packages
Visit the leading website for FREE Online Accounting Courses. Video lessons in major accounting packages including Sage Accounts, Xero, KashFlow, QuickBooks and other accounting software. Be an expert in the accounting package used in your business.
For start-up businesses we recommend the FREE version of a UK accounting package from www.Pandle.co.uk.
Expert Website Training
We look at a variety of website and hosting options. Follow our suggested low cost, world leading tuition to create your own websites and host them on the fastest and most secure servers. Unrivalled tuition that can make you an expert in this essential subject and the social media platforms such as FaceBook and Youtube.
Our Vision
- To be the prime source of contact for information that we research, gather and share for the benefit of small businesses.
Our Goals
- To save businesses time by “doing the legwork” for them by having the contacts to provide information, suppliers and all administration requirements.
- To be recognised throughout the UK and have representation in the form of local associates.
- Whenever possible to provide FREE information from our expert team and advisers.
- To engage at the earliest possible time with people considering full-time, part-time or spare-time businesses and share our FREE expertise on how they might best prepare for their venture.
Problems Encountered by Smaller Businesses
We are very aware that the smaller business owner encounters:
- Professional fees that are excessive for the size of the business
- The information provided is sometimes more relevant to larger businesses and not the best option for their business
- Established website developers tend to concentrate on larger value projects with lucrative ongoing hosting and SEO etc. charges
- Examples abound of websites created by the “cheaper end” being lost due to server problems or the developer ceasing his business
- It is becoming increasingly difficult to find quality website hosting at low prices
The business owner is often advised to concentrate on the things he is good at and “invest” in professional help in areas he lacks expertise. With ongoing changes in marketing, Data Protection Laws and the introduction of Digital Taxation requiring returns to HMRC every three months commencing 2019/2020 (for VAT returns), can smaller businesses afford the professional fees?
Our Solutions
Our solutions include establishing Admin Advice Associates to focus on administration topics and offer free advice and recommendations to small businesses and those contemplating self employment.
We have a wealth of experience in bookkeeping and accounting and can recommend the most economical and beneficial systems for your particular business.
Having spent a number of years researching website creation, security, marketing and hosting, our post simple website tutorials details the research we have covered and the reasoning behind our recommendation.
Business Administration Tuition
There is a shortage of bookkeeping staff and we provide free tuition which could lead on to qualifications such as the AAT qualification in bookkeeping.
Another skill we highly recommend is having the ability to create your own websites. Website creation has entered the era when anyone can learn to create their own website, however this can be thwart with dangers if you do not conform to the security and quality hosting requirements. Again we refer you to our post simple website tutorials for the ultimate training program. In 2021 the WordPress blocks editor enables us to introduce the easiest website builder, enabling us all to build and control our own websites.
We provide FREE information on everything you need bookkeeping wise. We will discuss with you the most appropriate bookkeeping system for YOUR business.
We include a specially written easy to learn seven part bookkeeping course, written by an experienced accountant and tutor of bookkeeping to adult classes.
Websites and Hosting
We are firm believers that very shortly everyone will be building and controlling their own websites. We show you the options we can offer to provide you with quality websites to suit all budgets. We have contact with world leaders in this sphere.
Again we have a lot of FREE information and tuition including free tuition in the main accounting online packages including Sage, Xero, Quickbooks and others. The professional services covered are detailed in the Small Business Admin post found under Accountancy in our menu.
We have also tested and recommend a UK based accounting package, Pandle, which has a FREE version suitable for most, and a low cost PRO version.
We share a number of marketing methods, both local marketing and on-line.
On our Posts page, click on any of the categories listed in the right-hand column and you will be presented with a list of posts written under that chosen category.
Questions And Comments
We encourage you to include your questions in the area at the bottom of the pages. The benefit of this method of contact being the questions and our answers are there available for all to see and share.